How to get your desires by using the power of concentration or focus?

We don't live in the “Fairy Age”

     This article has been extracted from the book ‘The power of Concentration’ by Theron Q. Dumont. According to Dumont the uninformed person may argue, "How can we achieve something simply by desiring or wishing.” According to him, our any desire can be gratified by using the power of concentration, but it depends on us how much we concentrate to fulfill that desire. Because just your wish for something won't bring it. Dumont believes that our wish to have something actually shows our weakness and lack of faith that we will actually get it. So he strictly emphasizes that we never wish because we don’t live in the “Fairy Age”. He says that we use as much brain power in “useless imaginations” as we do in thinking about something worthwhile.

     Dumont emphasizes that we must be aware of our desires, create its picture in our mind and set our will in it comes true. Never drift without helm and rudder. First of all, know what we want to do and then strive with all our might to do it and finally we will succeed.

The Determinate Buyer

     The most important thing that he emphasizes is; the feel that we can accomplish anything we undertake. Dumont says that many people commit to do things, but when they start they feel they will fail and that's usually happens so. To illustrate this point, Dumont has given an excellent example of a man, who goes to a store for an item. The storekeeper says, “I am sorry, we don’t have this item.” But if the man is determined to get that item must inquire from the storekeeper that where he can get it. If the determine buyer again received an unsatisfactory answer, he even consults the manager and finally find out from where he can purchase the item. 

     He called it the whole secret of concentrating on getting your goal. Dumont believes that the thing we must remember, that our soul is a center of all-power, and we can accomplish whatever we will to. For example, if someone say “I will find a way or must make one!” it’s the passion that must win.

A messenger boy become the President of his bank

     Dumont says that he knows the head of a famous large bank who started there as a messenger boy. The boy's father made a button for him with a letter "P" on it, put it on the coat of his son and said, “Son, that 'P' is a reminder that someday you are to be the president of your bank. I want you to keep this thought in your mind. Every day do something that will put you nearer your goal.” Every night after dinner, the father would ask, “Son, what did you do today?” Dumont says that in this way the thought of becoming president was always kept in mind of the boy and finally he did. The father strictly forbids his son to tell anyone what the "P" stand for. His colleagues made fun of him and tried to find the myth behind that letter "P" but they never did, until the boy was become president and then told the secret.

“Power to him who power exerts”

     Dumont says we must not waste our mental powers in wishes and not dissipate our energies by trying to fulfill every whim. We should concentrate to do something that’s really worthwhile. The man that determined for something, will never fails. Dumont refers to Ralph Waldo Emerson's famous lines, " Power to him who power exerts."

     Our today's success largely depends on focusing or concentrating on the law of internal force, because when we do this we awaken those thought forces or powers, which insures enduring results when used in business.

     He says if we are not able to do this we have not reached our limit in the use of our forces. Dumont believes that this universe is interwoven with myriads of great forces. We make our own place, and whether it’s important depends upon us. We can accomplish all right things in time by using the Indestructible and Unconquerable Law and so we must not be afraid to undertake whatever we really want to accomplish and be willing to pay the price for the effort. Every right thing is possible and which is necessary will be inevitably take place.

     Dumont also emphasize that if anything is right, it’s our duty to do it, even the whole world consider it to be wrong. "God and one are always a majority," or in clear words, that invincible interior law is God, and being superior creature of the God we can conquer the whole world if our cause is absolutely just. Never say I wish I will be a great man rather say; I can. I will. I must. If we just realize this, the rest will be easy because we have the hidden abilities and powers to subdue everything that stands against our plans.

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