Do you know negotiation can change your life completely?

Negotiation in general terms

When we use word Negotiation two concepts comes to our mind, the first is 'The process by which two or more business or political parties agreed on a certain point that is mutually acceptable to both' and 'The other is bargaining – this is purely a business term, by the buyer tries to buy something at the lowest possible coast and seller tries to sell his goods at highest profit rate'. While we go through the definitions of the two, we mostly think that both are either business or political terms and have nothing to do with our personal daily life.


Negotiation in My Opinion: A life Changing Concept 

About negotiation my opinions are totally opposite from most of the people. I consider it a full-fledged life changing concept rather just a business or political term. Our daily life is full of different issues in which we need 'negotiation' for saving relationship, solution of matters and problems but unfortunately most of the people are unaware from its importance. The reason behind this attitude are their egos.

Few Examples from our Daily life

Here I will try to tell you the importance of 'negotiation' through some examples. To convince you that how we can change our life by using negotiation in every aspect.

A man negotiating with his son

For example, your son has recently been promoted to class 9th and he desires to choose medical group subjects for further studies. However, you think that computer science group subjects have much scope in the future, and you desire that your son may choose this group. As he is young blood and there is chance that he may not follow your opinion. Here the matter may come to deadlock between you and your son. There you need the most is negotiation, being father you have responsibility to talk to your son. But before negotiation with your son you have to prepare the following check list of discussion points. So that you have strong arguments to convince him.

1.   Make list of subjects of computer science group.

2.   Prepare a brief note on future scope of computer science subjects.

3.   Prepare list of computer science subjects having less competition along with brief note on these subject.

4. Prepare brief note on increasing importance of computer in our daily life.

A man negotiating with his wife

Here I desire to give another example from our daily life, for example, your wife visit her sister and saw that her sister was wearing a beautiful costly diamonds’ necklace. On return from the sister’s house she demands on you to buy this type necklace for her. But at that time your accounts balance can't afford this necklace. However, she is still persisting to buy this necklace and you don't want to angry her either. Here you have only one option left, that is negotiation because this issue may damage your relation. But here also before going to negotiate you need to prepare this checklist, so that you can satisfy her in a better way.

1.             1.   Get your bank statements as proof, to show her that you have low balance.

2.   Buy a little adorable gift that you may present before the start of negotiation.

3.   Make a promise presentation card having remarks that she is the most precious for you and as soon as you have amount to purchase that necklace, you will buy it for her.

I sure you that negotiation with this checklist or many other ideas of your own including this will help you to win her heart and save your relation.

A man negotiating with his daughter

I want to give one more example to explain the importance of negotiation in our daily life. For example, your daughter turns to 18 and she is going to marry a guy whose you know as fraudulent and cheater but she doesn't know. You oppose her, telling her about the boy's character but she is not ready to believe you and she still is persisting to marry him. You clearly know that her decision sooner or later will hurt her. You need here to negotiate her but you should make a list of evidences before talk to her.

1.   Get the criminal record of the boy from police if available.

2.   Approach the persons who were victims of his fraud and request them to help you to reveal the fraudulent character guy on your daughter.

3.   Try to find out some factual evidence of frauds that the boy committed before to someone.

Through these examples, I have tried to highlight the importance of negotiation in our daily life. I believe that if you incorporate negotiation into every part of your life, your life will become easier and I assure you that your way of thinking will be completely changed.

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