The Discovery of BOÖTES Void: Scientific Exegesis of A Verse of the Holy Quran.

Imagine, you have reached a place where there is nothing, not your earth, not the moon, nor the other planets, not even the sun whose light enables you to see, millions of light years away from us, absolutely nothing, and total darkness. So how terrible will all this be?  

What are Voids?

Did you know the Universe is full of voids? One such void where we're going to take you today, a place so dark that it seems time itself is put on hold. But what's the real truth behind this cosmological secret? So, let's find this. When we observe the universe, we see a certain order in it. Our earth orbits the sun, and the sun orbits the center of the milky way, galaxy. The milky way along with its 50 neighbors orbiting around the invisible gravitational center in the local galaxy group inside the Virgo supercluster, which eventually turned out to be a part of a much bigger Laniakea supercluster and this supercluster goes around great invisible gravitational center which we can't see it due to the specific location of our galaxy. Our galactic disk obstructs our view but today we're not interested to talk about this attractor, but the eerie void in front of it, ‘Dipole repeller’.  

In outer space, such empty areas are called voids and if you look at the universe from the outside, it looks like an infinite network of galactic threads, separated from each other by empty spaces called voids. This is what our world looks like if you could capture it in one picture,10 billion light years connected with galactic threads. 


Voids are one of the biggest creations, of nature that occupy most of the area in universe. Today we will talk about one of these voids, called the BOÖTES void. When we gaze at the stars, they seem to be evenly scattered throughout the sky, but this is an illusion because all stars are in galaxies and form gravitational clusters being relatively close to each other. But the emptiness created between them is nothing compared to the scale of the void. The BOÖTES void is one of the biggest voids in the entire universe, located 700 million light years away from our earth, near the bodies constellation from which it borrowed its name.  

This great void was discovered in 1981 by Robert Kirschner and his team. For many years’ scientists have been asking themselves about the nature of this void. How it was created and what exactly lurks in the darkness? Surprisingly, the diameter of BOÖTES void is estimated to be 330 million light-years. Considering the fact that it comprises 0.27 percent of the diameter of the known universe. The size of our milky way galaxy is about 100,000 light years which is minuscule as compared to this void.

Greg Aldering and BOÖTES Void

When scientists first started studying the void they discovered eight galaxies that are very small compared to other previously discovered gravitational clusters. Before long, 52 more galaxies have been discovered at a great distance from each other. According to astronomer Greg Aldering from the university of Minnesota the scale of the void is such that if the milky way had been in the center of the BOÖTES void, we wouldn't have known there were other galaxies until the 1960s. Because they would have been so far away that they would not have been seen by the telescopes that existed up until the 60s. 

Today our telescopes got good enough that if we had been in that void we would be able to see the dim light of the other galaxies and begin to fathom their existence. As only 60 galaxies have been discovered so far inside the BOÖTES void. Using a rough estimate of about one galaxy, every 10 million light years, four times the distance between the Andromeda galaxy from earth, BOÖTES should have approximately two thousand galaxies in it. Board upon discovering this great void, astronomers have noticed how mysterious and unique this area is. In context of the distance between the galaxies inside the void, it's clear that it can be called a paranormal area. Today our telescopes got good enough that if we had been in that void we would be able to see the dim light of the other galaxies and begin to fathom their existence.

BOÖTES Void: A Paranormal Area

As only 60 galaxies have been discovered so far inside the BOÖTES void. Using a rough estimate of about one galaxy, every 10 million light years, four times the distance between the Andromeda galaxy from earth, BOÖTES should have approximately two thousand galaxies in it. Board upon discovering this great void, astronomers have noticed how mysterious and unique this area is. In context of the distance between the galaxies inside the void, it's clear that it can be called a paranormal area. 

Volume of BOÖTES Void

Just to put this in perspective there are around two dozen neighbors to our milky way galaxy in the space of about three million light years in the cross section. If we take into account that the average distance between galaxies in the universe is about several million light years and dispersed with the same density or number, then the great BOÖTES void should have 10,000 galaxies. You can agree that the difference in density is just enormous and can't be explained rationally. Despite this, scientists have managed to calculate the volume of the great BOÖTES. They have assigned it a non-system value called parsec which equals three light years. You will be surprised to know that the volume of BOÖTES void is estimated about 236,000 cubic mega parsecs. 

BOÖTES Void: A Desert in Outer Space

Let's leave aside the size of this void and focus instead on the content it has, it sounds paradoxical. But the void mostly consists of emptiness, its vacuum or space is isolated from everything that you can observe in other galaxies. You won't see any dust dirt or stones there, even the smallest particles like photons. That’s why scientists call the BOÖTES void a desert in outer space. 

The BOÖTES void is shrouded in darkness, it is so dark that it seems that any movement or time itself is put on hold. To this day, scientists don't understand how simple particles interact in this space. Unfortunately, we might not know this for many years to come even if the interaction can happen. We don’t know how many tens of thousands of years are needed for this process to take place within the void. Compared to this time frame the history of mankind is like a blazing meteorite flying through the earth's atmosphere.  

BOÖTES Void: An Ideal Vacuum

This extremely low density means that when a pattern of neutrinos enters from one side of the wide, it should look exactly the same upon exit. The same will happen with photons, particles of matter that have a mass greater than both protons and neutrinos will certainly be pulled towards the walls of the void because of the BOÖTES’ ability to preserve its state. Therefore, to see it as a time capsule, the pattern of photons to be inserted from one side into it so that this pattern can be observed on reappear when it reaches the other side after millions of years. 

BOÖTES Void: Dragsters’ Proving Ground

Perhaps the BOÖTES void might be a proving ground for the dragsters of the future moving at the speed of light. It's extremely low density would certainly be appealing to anyone who wants to set speed records without colliding with intergalactic dust getting in the way. Of course, scientists are keen to know how this paranormal region came into being.

Creation of BOÖTES Void: Aldering’s Concept

The BOÖTES void is a unique area within the known universe that cannot be compared to anything. Some scientists argue that the great void was created when several small voids merged together, although this idea is hard to comprehend. 

Considering the nature of space this phenomenon resembles small bubbles of soap merged together. Astronomer Greg Aldering once noticed that the galaxies in voids have a curiously tubular structure and this could be an important clue for the mystery. It was him who suggested that the void can merged together much like soap bubbles merging into one great bubble. As far as tubular galaxies are concerned, they may be remnants of boundaries between smaller voids which are now trapped inside a supervoid, but if the universe lasts for a long time, then this tubular can end from the void.

Aldering says that the long arm of gravity never ends, but there may be another very important reason for the formation of BOÖTES void, which may not have been considered in the scientific literature. The BOÖTES void could be the result of kardashev-3 scale civilization which is expanding outward. As the bubble of colonization expands outward from its central system, this civilization dims each star and consequently each galaxy in its way by blanketing it in a Dyson shell. 

Dyson sphere, a hypothetical megastructure that completely covers a star and captures a huge percentage of its power emission. This can also explain why this void has such a fine round shape since the void is about 700 million light years from earth and probably this intelligent life may have emerged around 4 billion years ago. Thus this ancient civilization may have had enough time to perform this amazing feat of cosmologic engineering. Now this is pure speculation but it's worth. Throwing it out there as a possibility given the strangeness of this phenomenon. Needless to say the discovery of the void has thrown conventional cosmological thinking out the window. Since its discovery astronomers have had to revise their notions of galaxy formation, which we know about the extremely uneven distribution of matter throughout the universe.  

Finally, we come to the conclusion, that the BOÖTES void provides us humbling reminder of the expansion and then the collapse of cosmos. The universe that we see is too impossibly large for us to comprehend. Our place within it is a tiny, insignificant, microscopic spark.So we conclude with verse 47 of Surah Al-Dhariyat of the Qur'an: “AND IT IS WE (Allah) who have built the universe with power and verily, it is We (Allah) who are steadily expanding it.” 

So, which future developments about BOÖTES are you looking forward to and what gets you the most excited about the other voids. Let us know in the comments so we make sure you don't miss out the more amazing articles like this. Please stay connected by following our page and thanks for reading.  

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